Made with Visme Presentation Maker

Final Poster 

When creating my film poster I had a number of different ideas of what I was going to create. My aim when creating a film poster was to create a piece that was visually striking, shocking and would catch the eye of the audience. As there are a number of shocking scenes in my production I wanted to create a poster that would reflect the shocking nature of my production. I originally wanted to have the serial killer to be in the centre of the poster making sure that he was bigger than the other characters.  I also wanted to have the athlete, girlfriend and detective facing off in different directions. I tried to reduce the opacity of the other three characters so that the serial killer would be seen behind them. I decided that I would have three colours in my poster all of which are used in horror films, red, black and white. After looking at my poster and receiving feedback on it it was clear that it looked like the athlete was just floating in a black space. I thought about using the background image of the shed that the shot was filmed in but decided against this.  

I wanted to include the serial killer somewhere in my poster so I decided to take a photo of the serial killer and remove the background to create a silhouette. In my production the serial killer leaves cards by every body that he kills. I wanted to incorporate this into my poster. I got a picture of the Queen of hearts playing card this is because in my film the serial killer wants to take revenge on the athlete who took his fame and running records as well as his girlfriend. I used the queen of hearts as the background to my poster, i included the silhouette of the serial killer on the left hand side of the poster so the axe is clearly visible to someone looking at the poster. I also positioned the girlfriend to be on-top of the athletes heart this as-well as the queen of hearts connotes that there is going to be a romantic element to the film whilst also being a horror film which is signified through the serial killer holding an axe. 

My poster includes details about the film such as the release date, who is going to be starring in it, social media icons at the bottom of the page, a billing block which states the production companies involved in making the film as well as directors and producers names. The tagline is also seen on the poster. I came up with the tagline "Will this be his last mile?" The tagline helps build a sense of mystery and wonder as the audience are wondering who the question is referring to either the killer or the runner. I decided to make both the title of the poster and the tagline look like they were dripping bright red blood. This helps represent to the audience that the film is of the horror genre. 

I researched a number of different horror/thriller film posters to gain inspiration for what I was going to create. What I found was that a number of the posters used simple colour schemes so I decided to implement that into my poster by using red, white and black. As my film is of the horror genre I wanted to create something that my target audience would see and be gripped by. The inclusion of the social media icons at the bottom will work with my target audience as these are two forms of social media which they are highly active on. I also believe that people will pick up on the element of love as well as fear that is shown in my poster through the queen of hearts and the girlfriend being positioned on the chest of the athlete who is screaming for help and the silhouette holding the axe.

When creating my film poster I looked at a number of film posters to find out different tag lines that could give me inspiration for my own tag line. I looked at genres which are the same genre as mine this is why I choose films such as the ring, Halloween and scream. I decided to come up with the tagline "Will this be his last mile?" This is because our film is about a runner who is the serial killers last target. I made it a question as this helps to build the sense of mystery and suspense 

Film Poster Analysis: YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT

Film poster analysis: A Quiet Place 

Film poster analysis: THE INVISIBLE MAN 


  1. YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT: Good analysis of visual codes and how the thriller genre is conveyed to audiences. Clear analysis of framing and of how the central image is constructed. Poster genre conventions are clearly understood.

  2. A QUIET PLACE: thoughtful, detailed analysis of graphical and linguistic features of tagline. Perceptive comments on the visual codes of the central image and the colour palette of the whole, and how these contribute to the thriller / psychological drama genre.

  3. THE INVISIBLE MAN: A good grasp of how the visual codes signal the horror genre to the audience. Understanding of genre conventions such as star billing and the function of the tagline.

  4. YOUR FILM POSTER POSTER Your film poster is the result of careful genre research, thoughtful drafting, reflective reactions to feedback and an excellent level of technical skill. It works superbly as a cohesive part of the promo pack as you have integrated several key visual codes: at the centre of visual interest is the striking figure of the young runner, terrified that he is about to be the next victim, whose horrified image forms the climax of the trailers. He is framed within a playing card, one of the central motifs of the killer’s method, and the card itself is framed by the killer wielding an axe. You have designed the title of HIS LAST MILE in red, with dripping blood, which fits the crime / horror genre. The screaming face of the young victim also features prominently on your film website and forms the climax of the trailers, tying the whole promo pack together cohesively.
