Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Film poster: First design through to final design. I decided to change elements of my poster to create a better narrative for my trailer. After receiving feedback on my first design it was clear that the main characters looked like they had just been added and seemed to be floating. I decided to add the playing card into the poster because the playing cards are seen throughout my trailer and specifically the queen of hearts because it tells the audience that there is a romantic element to this film. I also made sure that the female character  remained over the athlete's heart again showing the romantic element of the film. 

Film website reflections: Feedback from people who have used my website. 

Trailer reflections: 

After reviewing the initial footage taken I felt the first shot was too grainy and dark so we reshot it with a better camera and better lighting.  This is shown in the pictures above. 

When editing the sequence there were a few shots I felt should be reshot as they did not look professional. The reason why I did not feel as though they were professional was due to reflections of people and objects being in the shots such as the cameraman or lighting equipment. In the picture above I have highlighted errors in our shot such as the lighting equipment being visible,  one of the doors being left opened and the camera chargers and can of beer being visible in one of the shots. When we reshot the scene we made sure that all equipment had been removed and was out of shot. 


  1. FILM POSTER Your poster design underwent several refinements. The design itself came together in its most convincing ensemble once you had fixed on using the Queen of Hearts motif, which pulls it all together brilliantly, as it provides a rectangular frame and references the 'calling card' of the villain in the film. It also cleverly alludes to the romantic role of the female. The foregrounding of the axeman also establishes the thriller genre.using the main image from the film both in the poster and in the website homepage ties the whole promo pack together cohesively. Well done.

  2. FILM WEBSITE Your film website is a very successful design, according to focus group feedback: in this post, selective pull quotes reflect the aspects of your audience experience that you are most pleased about.

  3. TRAILER EDITS Several constructive reflections on changes made in this post. The re-shoot to improve lighting makes a huge difference to what the audience can see and understand, especially important when the protagonist's face and reaction shots are important. Further re-shoots to iron out glitches like unwanted reflections and equipment makes your production more polished.
