Monday, January 4, 2021


 In order to distribute my film I created a number of different social media pages. I decided to create an  Instagram and Twitter page for my film as when researching I found that my target audience of people aged 15-35 mainly used both of these pages. Social media is used by film companies to provide information to their target audiences.  Social media pages can be used to show behind the scenes, teaser trailers and the full trailer. 

By using Instagram and Twitter I intended to post information about my film, reviews, information about screenings and links to my film website. I will release my film poster on my films social media pages to build suspense before I release the trailers. 

1 comment:

  1. As part of your research into distribution, you confirmed your belief that audiences in your target age group gravitated towards specific social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. Therefore, you have created a Twitter and Instagram feed as part of your film promo pack, with photos taken during the making of the film, and these are successfully linked to your film website. Together with the trailers and the posters, the suite of social media platforms show confident understanding of how to market your film as a small independent film company with a limited budget but excellent grasp of how to attract and address your audience. In your blog posts, you reflect on your construction and explain the process.
